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Top 6 Basic SEO Tips To Improve Organic Search Ranking

 Do you want to learn some basic tips about SEO? If yes, check out this list of top 6 basic SEO tips to improve organic search ranking.

There are several easy SEO practices to employ while writing blog posts that can help you to boost search engine ranking and drive pure organic traffic to your blog.

Top 6 Basic SEO Tips To Improve Organic Search Ranking

The first step is to decide which keywords are going to bring you high traffic to your blog and improve search engine ranking. You can get some useful suggestions by reading an older blog post we did about how to do SEO keyword research and put them in articles. Once you know targeted keywords then you need to write content around these keywords. The following are the 6 most important placement areas in the post to the best way to optimize your targeted keywords.

  1. Title
  2. Description
  3. Heading
  4. Post Content
  5. Images
  6. URL

Many new bloggers do not properly optimize their blog posts, thus not fully taking benefit of the organic traffic possibilities. If you are not suitably optimizing your blog post then use the following best SEO tips to go back & optimize your older posts, and make certain that all future posts are optimized fully.

Top 6 Basic SEO Tips To Improve Organic Search Ranking

1. Post Title

The post title is the very first thing that read and view by the search engine robots and visitors. This makes it the most important keyword placement area for search engine optimization. So, when writing your blog post title you must understand that it impacts the search results as well as click-through-rate.

Your post title should be below 60 characters and it is good practice to contain your target keyword in the title, as close to the beginning as possible. If your title includes your target keyword the visitor is further likely to click on your blog post since it includes the keyword they used in their search query.

2. Post Description

Your blog post description pulls the meta description for your post, and impact search results. If your Meta descriptions use your target keyword and post related keywords it is going to appeal to the individual that performed the search. This must be written in a natural way, and don’t stuff your keyword into the meta description. Otherwise, it will just make your website emerge to be spammy & low quality.

3. Post Headings & Subheadings

Your heading tells your visitor about the content under it. Including your targeted keywords in the heading offer an SEO benefit long as it is done naturally. There is no requirement to jam pack a heading with multiple amounts of your target keyword. Use it once if it can be used logically. Make sure there is further content around it, describing the blog post & providing some worth other than just a keyword phrase. It is one of the main parts of the SEO to improve search engine ranking.

4. Content

The search engines use keywords in your article as a ranking signal, but it is significant that you do not over-optimize your article. Too much use of keyword within the article can be viewed as keyword stuffing and this can lead to a punishment, reducing your organic rankings. Aside from the probable SEO dangers linked to keyword stuffing, it will also injury your blog readership. Viewers are not going to come back to a blog that features a poor article that reads like clean spam. Always write for your viewers first & the search engines second.

5. Post Images

It is always a good idea to comprise an SEO-friendly title, description, and alt text in the post images. If you are writing very expressive blog post titles then you can use the tile in your blog article image, and also write a description that explains your blog article. Image search is becoming more popular, so there is extremely no reason that you should ignore optimizing your blog article images. It is one of the major things of the SEO to improve Organic Search ranking.

6. Post URL

You must have your site URL structure set up that each post has a custom URL and not a random extension such as the date of the post or just a numbered post. With the blog post title as the URL, extension facilitates your click-through rate. If somebody performs a search and sees a post with a common URL and one with the target keyword which one are they additional likely to click on?

These are some incredibly basic blog post SEO tips to help you make a more valuable article for your blog and drive huge traffic & get high ranking in search engine results.
