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Steps To Make Your First Clickbank Affiliate Sales In 2020

Are you a beginner looking to make money online with Clickbank in 2020? Struggling to make your very first Clickbank affiliate sales in 2020? Want to know the exact steps on what you should be doing on a daily basis to see those daily Clickbank bars light up with affiliate sales?
Then you have come to the right place my Clickbank friend:)
This is going to be your full Clickbank guide to affiliate marketing that will show you step by step what you should be doing on a daily basis to make your very first Clickbank affiliate sales, and hopefully many more in the future.
That is if you stick with your affiliate marketing business, have a good work ethic, and enjoy a fun challenge.
Still reading?
Great, a little about me.
Hi, I am Jay and I have been an affiliate marketer for 13 years now.
100k apprentice
Internet marketing training Jay
I have worked with various affiliate networks like Clickbank, JVZoo, and a handful of other independant affiliate networks promoting various affiliate programs that I personally use and recommend to my blog readers and my email subscribers that have generated me thousands of affiliate sales in that 13 years timespan, and I to do this day continue to learn and get better as an affiliate marketer.
There are always new things to learn and apply to your own business.
That is what I love about not only Clickbank, but affiliate marketing in general.
Enough about me!
You care about what I can do for you, right?
Well, Good!
You should!
I am going to set you on the right path so you can hopefully do the same, and a few of you may even turn into the next Clickbank super affiliate marketers one day making all kinds of money, and dominating affiliate leaderboards.
But first you need to know step by step what you should be doing to make your first Clickbank affiliate sales online and many more in the future.
So, lets get started with your Clickbank affiliate marketing training shall we?

So, What The Heck Is Clickbank Anyways For You Beginner Affiliates Reading This?

Clickbank started way back in 1997, and is the Worlds biggest digital marketplace where affiliates can choose to signup for free as an affiliate and promote any of the thousands of digital marketing products + services from vendors from around the World that Clickbank offers and earn a commission for each sale generated via your unique affiliate link.
Clickbank has paid out a whopping $3 Billion plus dollars to it’s affiliate marketers since it was created in 1997.
In laymens terms clickbank is the Godzilla of the digital marketing World.
Steps To Make Your First Clickbank Affiliate Sales In 2020
Digital products are products and services that can be accessed immediately after successful payment.
Examples include digital ebooks, membership sites, and digital courses + services. [ Too name a few examples ]
You can not physically touch a digital product and Clickbank digital products do not arrive at your doorstep in 2 days or less like Amazon merchandise which are physical products.
Clickbank affiliate revenues range from usually 50 to 75% for each successful sale the referring affiliate generates via his or her affiliate link.
There is almost always upsells, and downsells, inside the funnel for affiliates to earn multiple affiliate commissions on when a buyer buys the original product he or she was referred to and then is offered multiple products that are compatible with the original purchase.
Affiliates can literally earn thousands of dollars per sale if they are promoting Clickbank high ticket offers to as low as $20 per sale if say you are promoting a book on cooking for example.
It all boils down to what affiliate product you the clickbank affiliate decides to promote that goes along well with the niche that they are in.
There are literally tens of thousands of digital products that affiliates can choose to promote on the Clickbank marketplace and earn your first Clickbank sales through.
With Clickbank the possibilities are literally endless.
Here is a how to video that I created for new Clickbank affiliates that shows you how to start affiliate marketing for beginners[ 30 minutes long + packed with great content ]

Click Here For My Full Clickbank Affiliate Marketing Training Course That Shows You Step By Step How To Make Your First Clickbank Sales Online Plus Learn How To Build A $100K Online Business In The Quickest Way Possible.

Step 1: To Make Your First Clickbank Affiliate Sales In 2020

To make your very first clickbank affiliate sale you are going to have to learn the very basics if you have not done so already.
Like creating basic Clicbank affiliate hoplinks, and learning how to cloak your affiliate links, so your links get more clicks and look a lot more professional and attractive to your visitors.
This will greatly increase your affiliate clicks and sales generated from your unique Clickbank affiliate links.
I am going to leave a how to video below that shows you step by step how to make money with Clickbank. [ Yes this video is old, but still applies to this day, and has 1.5 thousand likes and almost 400,000 views ]
Yes, this video was created by me back in the day, and it shows you the basics on how to create affiliate hoplinks etc ]
In short it is an oldie but a goodie and very helpful.

Step 2: To Make Your First Clickbank Affiliate Sales In 2020

The 2nd step to make your first clickbank affiliate sale would be learning how to pick the right affiliate products on Clickbank to promote.
I discussed how to pick the right affiliate products to promote inside the 2 video’s I placed above for your convenience.
But, to break it down for you look for these qualities in a potential Clickbank product that you are thinking about promoting.
  • Ask yourself after looking at the sales page of the product if you would buy this particular product yourself? Does the sales page look professional? If you answered yes proceed to the next step.
  • What is the Clickbank gravity for the product that you are thinking of promoting? Does the product have a good Clickbank gravity? Is it a top seller in the category that you found the product in? Usually, but not all the time, the higher the gravity the better the product sells. I, myself like to promote top selling Clickbank products and services because usually they sell better. But, sometimes you can find a diamond in the rough 
  • that does not have a high Clickbank gravity but sells like wildfire. In this case. I would just look at the sales page and ask yourself would I buy this product? Then test, test, and test some more to see if the Clickbank product converts.
  • How much does the Clickbank product pay? Obviously, the more commissions that you get referring that particular clickbank product the better. It takes the same time and effort to promote high ticket affiliate offers and services as it does low paying $20 products and services. Keep that in mind!
  • Does the product pay a one off commission, or is it residual in nature? Residual paying clickbank products and services pay you on a monthly basis as long as the customer stays a customer month after month. With one off low paying Clickbank products and services you have to keep driving new customers all the time, and if it doesn’t pay much, what is the point right?
  • I like to look for Clickbank products or affiliate products in general that pay residual commissions on a monthly basis or high ticket offers where I can earn a few hundred per sale up to a few thousand per sale in some cases. These are the type of Clickbank products worth promoting on a daily basis and building your business around.

Step 3: To Make Your First Clickbank Affiliate Sales In 2020

The third step to take to make your first clickbank affiliate sales in 2020 is building yourself a solid foundation for your new affiliate marketing business to grow and prosper.
This means starting up your own WordPress blog where you will have a solid foundation to grow your affiliate business. [ Link I highlighted is a step by step guide for clickbank affiliates to start a WordPress blog.] It is very detailed!
By starting your own self hosted WordPress blog you can promote any affiliate product that you want without worrying about a 3rd party closing down, going against there rules, etc…
Building a blog around a profitable niche that interests you is the best way to create a solid foundation to build your business around.

Step 4: To Make Your First Clickbank Affiliate Sales In 2020

To make your first clickbank affiliate sale in 2020 your are going to need traffic.
When you are just starting out as a Clickbank affiliate learning the ropes so to speak you are probably not going to have a ton of money to invest on paid ads like FB ads, Google adwords, Bing ads, and the various other online networks that you could potentially advertise on.
That is the quickest way to profitability with affiliate marketing if you have the budget to spare on paid advertising. [ This is a cool free webinar on how to build yourself a $1k business daily for those of you reading this with a budget ]
For most new Clickbank affiliates paid advertising is out of the question so that is why it is vitally important that you start a blog and update your blog on a set schedule.
Obviously, the more you post to your blog the better.
Especially, at the beginning when you are just starting your online business.
Remember: Quality over quantity.
The longer the blog post and the more useful it is the more it will get read, rank higher in the search engines, and get retweeted and shared on all the major social networks.
Giving you free search engine traffic, and hopefully bringing in your first Clickbank sales in 2020 and many more in the future.
Quality, quality, quality!
For more free traffic.
Start a FB Fanpage, start a Twitter account, start a LinkedIn account, start a Reddit account, start an Instagram account, start a YouTube channel, and whatever other free methods that you can think of to promote your business and your clickbank affiliate links to make your first clickbank affiliate sale in 2020.
This all takes time your building an affiliate business.
So, work on your business as much as you can even if it is only for an hour a day.
If your persistent enough and like a challenge eventually you will get to where you want to be.
When your affiliate business is starting to generate revenue you can then re-invest some of your profits into paid ads and take your business to the next level.

Step 5: To Make Your First Clickbank Affiliate Sales In 2020 Equals Building An Email List

This is the most important step out of all the steps if your serious about making your first Clickbank sale and eventually building the affiliate business of your dreams one day.
Fact: Most of the money that I have made online throughout the years is directly contributed to my email list and email marketing.
In fact I would say roughly 90% is directly attributed to my email list.
Here is a link to start your own email list and it is free for the first month. P.S. I have been with them for well over a decade.
If I had to start over and build my internet business from scratch and I lost everything during an apocolypse let’s say.
I would do this step by step.
  • I would obviously sign up with an email service provider so I can build my email list [ Step #1 ]
  • I would build a high converting email marketing funnel that turns your new email leads into paying customers. I have a nice funnel in place already. This is a skill you need to have. This is a free webinar that shows you how to build a $100k affiliate business with funnels you will definitely want to check out.
  • I would build professional landing pages or squeeze pages that convert high and capture leads. I use Leadpages [ Love em ] Click here for an example of 1 of the squeeze pages I built using leadpages that converts well.
  • After I have my email list setup, my email marketing funnel in place, and my high converting landing pages to capture those new email leads and drive them into my funnel I am ready to roll.
  • Send targeted traffic to your squeeze page via free and paid traffic sources and get as many email subscribers onto your email list as possible.
  • If your funnel is put together well and you have the right affiliate products in place then you will start seeing affiliate sale after affiliate sale and clickbank sale after clickbank sale.
That would be my whole business model, and it is the best most profitable business model.
Fast, easy, and efficient when everything is setup properly.

Step 6: To Make Your Clickbank Affiliate Sales A Lot Quicker In 2020 And Save Years Of Your Life.

I cannot stress this enough!
I wasted years of my life learning everything myself like a dumb ass.
Yeah, it’s cool but stupid!
What I should have done was spent a little bit of money in the beginning and invested in the proper clickbank affiliate training or any affiliate marketing training for that matter that had good reviews.
This would have had me making money a lot sooner, and saved me a few years of my life in the process.
Don’t be me!
Don’t be dumb!
This is a business, treat it as such, or stick with what your doing now.
If you have the money to spare it is a great investment.
I cannot stress this enough.
Waste tons of time and make a little bit of money.
Spend a little bit of money, save years, and potentially make a lot of money with your affiliate business.
The latter one seems like a far smarter option to me.
Don’t you agree?
I hope you got value from this post on how to make your first clickbank affiliate sales in 2020.
Your comments are appreciated below:)
Please reshare if you find this blog post helpful.
