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how to make money on instagram with clickbank

how to make money on instagram with clickbank

Here are the 7 easy steps where you will learn exactly how to make money on Instagram with Clickbank. Learn what ClickBank is and how it works.
Instagram is one of the most popular social networking platforms designed for photo-sharing. You can capture moments and share them on Instagram with your followers. Videos and GIFs are other types of media you can share on Instagram.
This social networking site also lets you communicate with your followers easily. The direct message option is one you can utilize to keep in touch with people from different spheres of the globe. Instagram has also proved to be one of the best marketing tools.
Currently, there are over 1 billion Instagram users across the globe. This makes it a great marketing platform because you can easily reach out to the bigger number. There are different marketing strategies you can try out on Instagram.
Affiliate marketing is one of the popular options you have at hand to earn yourself an extra income online.
Affiliate marketing is all about selling or promoting the product or services of another company using a special link that tracks the referring affiliate when a sale is generated through your custom affiliate link.
You can post their product link on your website or Instagram page. Any purchases made through the link you have posted you will earn a commission.

It is more like free advertising. You can try it out and make some good money from the comfort of your home.
There are different affiliate marketing programs you can use to make money online through your Instagram platform. One of the best programs to use is ClickBank.

How to Make Money on Instagram with ClickBank? What is ClickBank?

How to Make Money on Instagram with ClickBank
How to Make Money on Instagram with ClickBank
ClickBank is a popular affiliate marketing program that connects product owners or vendors with affiliates. It also deals with different digital and physical products from various manufacturers. ClickBank helps to connect product owners with affiliates.
All need each other to be more profitable. Merchants can use this platform for advertising their products and services, and affiliates will take them to promote and make money through the commissions they get.
You can learn how to make money on Instagram with ClickBank and become more profitable. If you are looking for a highly-reliable affiliate marketing program online, then you should choose ClickBank.

Why Use Instagram for Your Affiliate Program?

Instagram is the most popular social networking platform in the world, with over 1 billion active users. The moment you understand how to make money on Instagram with ClickBank and mastering other basics required, then you will earn more from the comfort of your home.
Instagram is one platform with great potential for digital marketers. You can get more traffic quickly, which is vital for this marketing method.

Using Instagram is also a cost-effective option. You don’t have to spend so much money to reach out to a specific audience, which is usually the case in conventional marketing procedures.
Creating a following on Instagram is one essential step you need to follow if you want to make more money. There are different tools and strategies you can use to boost your following on Instagram.
You should also make sure that all your followers are genuine to get real results. The best way to go about this is by posting captivating content and remaining consistent.
This brings in many engagements in the form of likes and comments, which is vital in boosting your follower count. Utilizing specific hashtags can also grow your follower count.
You should also follow back several people who follow you. Grow your account to have an easy time in your online affiliate marketing program with Instagram.
In this article, you will learn how to make money on Instagram with ClickBank and different steps you should follow to set up a successful affiliate marketing program on the social networking platform.
How To Make Money On Instagram With ClickBank
Here is an outline of how to make money on Instagram with ClickBank:
  1. Signing up
  2. Choosing a Valuable niche
  3. Selecting a profitable product on ClickBank
  4. Creating a sales page
  5. Promoting products on Instagram with ClickBank
  6. Following up on your leads
  7. Rinse and Repeat

1. Signing Up

The first thing you need to do is join ClickBank. All you have to do is sign up. It’s free and easy on ClickBank. Here is how you should go about it. On your browser, go to Clickbank.com. You will come across two options, which include Create Account and Sign in.
If you already have an existing account, you can sign in, but new members can click the Create Account option. Here, you will be required to key in your personal information, which includes your country, names, phone number, email address, and password.
Other details you will be required to enter, include your tax and banking information. This is to ensure ClickBank pays your affiliate commissions. Once you are done, you should go through the Terms and Conditions before clicking Join ClickBank.
A confirmation link will be sent to your mail. You can click it to complete the whole process. That’s how easy it is to sign up with ClickBank.

2. Look for a Valuable Niche

Once you are done with registering a new account on ClickBank, it’s high time you look for a commercial niche that will help you make more money.
This step is vital because it can help you pick a proper target audience on Instagram, which is essential in ensuring you are more profitable. You should choose a niche you are familiar with to have an easy time promoting it.
This can also help you identify the right products to use. Carrying out thorough research can help you determine a niche that will work perfectly for you. You can do this by researching several Instagram hashtags to identify which one is the best. Some of the popular niches on Instagram that can help you generate more income include:
  • Entertainment
  • Health and Fitness
  • Wealth
  • Relationships
Choosing the right niche makes it easy for you to make money on Instagram with ClickBank.

3. Select a Profitable Product on ClickBank

After settling for a more commercial niche, it’s high time you look for a product on ClickBank to help you make more money. Finding a product that will make you more money on Instagram is not that complicated. Here is how you should go about it.
  • Sign in to ClickBank with your free account.
  • Click the Affiliate Marketplace option. This is where you can find products to promote and earn more money.
  • Tap on the search icon but don’t type anything in it. Here, you will come across the best products.
  • Analyze the four metrics offered. They are what will determine whether you are going to make money. They include:
Average% or Sale – This is the amount you are going to receive as commission. It is based on the percentage of the price of a specific product.
Initial $/ Sale– This is the average sum of money you are going to make as a digital marketer per sale.
Average Rebill total – This is the sum of digital money marketers can make as their commission. It should be as a result of product resales or rebill. 
Average %/ Rebill– It is the percentage of rebills digital marketers earn on average.
Monitor the gravity score and commission per sale closely. This will help you know whether you are making the right sales on a particular product.
Gravity score is a type of rating on ClickBank that shows the number of affiliate marketers making money. The higher the score means your chances of making money are also much higher.
It is determined by the number of sales of a particular product made by affiliate marketers in 12 weeks. You should not make your decision based on the gravity score only because it does not give out the complete results.
A perfect example is new products that have been introduced recently. They may not have the best gravity score, but they could be the best to sell during that specific period. The best gravity range you can work on or follow is one that starts from as low as 30 to 50 plus.
The other thing to monitor on ClickBank is commission per sale. It will help you understand your numbers better and whether you are making enough money or not.
You can deal with small or big money take your pick.
Focusing on little money means you have to deal with a higher number of customers and probably with low-quality products that will attract more sales.
It is different in big money where it may take you a while before you make sales. The quality of the products you will be dealing with are much higher, and they will also be a lot more expensive.
You will also take longer to sell. You should look for a product with all the marketing attributes in it.
I like to promote affiliate programs that have a recurring income, and higher ticket as well.
I also choose lower paying affiliate programs to have a good mix of all the possible scenarios and ways I can make money online.
That is how to make money on Instagram effectively and off instagram as well with your affiliate marketing business.
Evaluating your merchant’s resources is another essential practice you need to carry out after identifying the right products to sell.
With ClickBank, merchants or vendors can help you sell their products by providing the necessary materials. The materials they can offer include a sales page, email scripts, and videos.
You should visit your merchant’s sales page to establish if they have the necessary resources. This is something that varies between different sellers.
You will come across those with better resources compared to others. Having the right resources is essential if you want to have a smooth time promoting a particular product. Some of the things you should look out for when evaluating a specific vendor’s sales page to identify whether they have the necessary resources include:
  • Sales page copyright
  • Interactive video
  • Refund policy
  • Resources for product promotion i.e., videos, email scripts, banners and more
  • Product value
If all these are present, then you are good to go.

4. Creating a Sales Page

A sales page, which is also referred to as a 1-page or landing page, is also essential for your online affiliate marketing program on Instagram with ClickBank.
The landing page is vital because it is where you start making money on Instagram with ClickBank by driving traffic to that particular page. Failure to use this sales page means you will make less money since only a few people will buy.
If you want to master how to make money on Instagram with ClickBank, you can utilize tools such as ClickFunnels. It can help you create a sales page for your business. The platform offers a 14-day free trial, which will help you understand how to go about the different processes.
It is also easy to use because it has a variety of templates and stands out features. The other tool you can use during this phase is Aweber. It sends and responds to emails automatically.
It is the best tool for email marketing because it cannot send your emails to the spam folder.
Spam mails cannot be seen, and this means you cannot make money easily. LeadingPages is another recommended tool you can utilize to create a sales page with higher conversion rates.
 Instagram traffic is not sent directly to ClickBank because the platform has to record email addresses and regulate the conversion process.
What you should understand is that most people who end up on your sales page will not buy for the first time. You can send them regular emails to increase your chances of selling a specific product. Be careful to avoid pestering some people who might find some of these emails annoying.

5. Promoting Products on Instagram With ClickBank

Once you have everything sorted as highlighted in the previous steps, it’s high time you start promoting your products on Instagram. Your primary goal should be to generate more traffic on the landing page. It is also referred to as the sales page, capture page, or lander.
To have a smooth time in this step and make money on Instagram, you have to follow some of the basics required when using the app for marketing purposes.
Having a unique username that relates to your niche is essential. You also have to make sure you have a catchy bio that describes your page and the products you are selling.
Different people visiting your page should be able to tell what your product is all about. The keyword of your niche should be part of your bio.
This makes it easier for different people looking for your niche to find you. The other thing you should do is upload high-quality images that are related to your niche. This is vital in boosting your following.
You can utilize hashtags to drive more traffic to your page. Conduct proper research to find out the trending tags during that period. You can also add several to a single post but do not overdo it. Instagram stories is another feature you can utilize that will help you generate more traffic and even increase your following.
They grab the attention of different people following you. Posting the products on Instagram stories regularly helps to grab people’s attention. Paid ads can also help you generate more traffic. This is because posts containing the products you are pushing will be featured on the timelines of many, even those who are not following you.
The other option you have is promoting a free gift. Giveaways such as a free book or PDF, free online training, or a 7-day email course are some you can try out. This can help you collect a person’s email address, which is the primary role of the landing page.

6. Look Into Your Leads

It is an essential step you need to follow if you want to have a smooth time making money on Instagram with ClickBank. You may start noticing some traffic on your sales page after following the above steps.
This could even translate into sales. You are not guaranteed that so much because not all traffic translates into sales. It is because many people who know your product for the first time are not likely to purchase it from the word go.
You have to put in some extra effort by marketing your products several different times usually to capture their attention.
That is why you should follow up with your leads to ensure you are engaging in something worthwhile or making you money.
Building an email list is one essential practice you can and should carry out.
ClickFunnels is one tool you can use to create a simple landing page and also collect email addresses to keep on promoting your product. Leadpages is the other platform you can use for such.
GetResponse and Aweber are other email marketing tools that allow you to send automated emails and make a follow-up. The good thing about using them is that they help ensure the emails you send don’t go to the spam folder.
Avoid pestering people to buy your products all the time. You can also provide them with free training through blogs and other platforms. Consistency is key if you want to convince a particular group of people to buy the product you are selling.
You will start recording positive results when you get better at affiliate marketing with practice.

7. Rinse and Repeat

It is the final step because everything is well set up during this point. This is the time to start making money on Instagram with ClickBank.
Here, you have to put more effort into your Instagram page. The more effort you put in growing your Instagram page, the higher the returns will be on ClickBank. It is that simple.
Making money on Instagram with ClickBank should not be that difficult. Some of the complicated steps you can go through during this process are creating the sales page and funnel.
Clickbank has put together a very in depth affiliate marketing training course that shows you how to make money on instagram with Clickbank and affiliate marketing in general.

Click Here If You Want To Learn More About Clickbanks Affiliate Marketing Training Course.

Everything else is quite easy. Understanding these steps is essential. You can try out several niches once you have everything at your fingertips.

Looking for cool ways on how to make money off Instagram from Clickbank? Read the above article to get an idea!
