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Graphic Design Ideas to Bring Traffic to Your Website

Graphic Design Ideas to Bring Traffic to Your Website

Besides SEO ranking boosters, sponsored ads, and some other strategies to increase quality website traffic, there are a couple of graphic design ideas and tricks that will help you increase traffic to your website.
You may be asking yourself what does graphic design have to do with traffic? Well, remember that we are visual beings, and act accordingly. We tend to respond to visual stimuli because we’re inherently curious.
Being that said, a highly-attractive visual content can help to push your audience into becoming potential customers.

Use Graphic Design Tools to Boost Social Media Activity

This is one of the easiest ways to get people to visit your site. Social media is mainly a visual resource, therefore, sending traffic to your website through banners, posts, and videos is one of the best chances you’ll get to keep potential customers interested.
It’s safe to say that good graphic design is a goal for many businesses, but do we really understand how good design works for selling? It’s a complex thing about communicating and standing out. Our visual assets depend on color, composition, balance, clarity, and innovation; once all of that is achieved, brand awareness starts and potential customers consider our products.
Let’s point out that it’s not enough to have a high-quality product with the best features possible. A lot of this has to do with developing a strong message that complements not only the use of the product but the long term benefits of making it part of everyday life.
Graphic Design Ideas Traffic Website

Brand Your Content

If you already have a website, chances are you’ve already created your logo and your branding assets, if not, you should get it ready ASAP.
100k apprentice
A logo and an overall brand image make the first impact and let people recognize you from afar when browsing or in real life. Your visual content should include these elements frequently, so it looks cohesive. When a design is unclear, the mind translates it as noise, and potential customers may be lost in fractions of seconds.

Turn Followers Into Customers

Use Placeit design templates to pretty much create anything you need to shine on social media.
Include short, customized links to let people remember the way to a specific section.
Explore among a wide library of templates and choose the ones that better suit your graphic style. Then you can customize your design, define a color scheme, and write text. Keep in mind that, in order to tell people to visit your website, there must be a call to action, otherwise they’ll probably keep scrolling and your post will be left behind.
Also, make sure that your banners are optimized for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, or any other social media format you need. In the case of YouTube, work on attractive thumbnails with almost no text.
Graphic Design Website Traffic

Use Banners to Your Advantage

Most part of the information transmitted through the human brain is visual, so you need to create a visual approach to convince people.
Social media banners are a great way for people to get a glimpse of your website and what they can find once they follow the path. Custom-branded banners allow you to set footprints across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram… all social media!
Since users and brands on social media are constantly posting content, your banner should be interesting and eye-catching enough to make people want to click. As simple as that. So here’s a checklist to make your banner succeed:
  • Have a good contrast to let the message come through.
  • Fit the appropriate dimensions and ratio to the platform to post.
  • Show simple, high-quality product images. Nobody wants to be disappointed when getting the product in real life.
  • Use color! Find the perfect balance between different colors that catch the eye, but be careful with this, it doesn’t mean it has to be neon or red, just the right amount of brightness to catch the eye.

How to Design a Website When You’re Not a Designer

Sure, not everybody has a thing for design, but in this case, you don’t need to worry about it.
Luckily, there are great online tools and website builders that have already done the job for you, you just need to drag and drop a few things, customize titles, select colors here and there and voilá! You’ll get an eye-catching website that works perfectly.

Tips to Design Your Own Website

You don’t need to learn graphic design, just the basics. Here’s a guide on the things you’ll have to keep in mind when customizing your website.
  • Draw a map for navigation.
  • Limit your sections to five or less.
  • Include social sharing buttons.
  • Keep enough white space.
  • Choose colors that fit your brand personality.
  • Write short sentences.

Focus on Simple Website Design

Simple design appears to be more polished and professional than overly done visuals.
There’s no hidden trick: simple design makes it easier to get your message across. Clean design is not just a trend, it will elevate your brand by looking sophisticated and well-put.
Graphic Design Ideas to Bring Traffic to Your WebsiteGraphic Design Ideas to Bring Traffic to Your Website
Our advice is to try a well-balanced color palette, so your design looks professional and your brand feels approachable, and colorful products can pop. How to do it? Follow these simple steps:
  • Select up to four colors. Two of them must be complementary.
  • The other two colors should contrast with each other.
  • Backgrounds should be desaturated, black, or white.
Don’t be afraid of negative space! When working on digital graphic design, this matters a lot for the human eye. What is the negative space? It’s the area that’s not color or text within a composition.
We can’t stretch this enough, but this space between elements is key to achieve an effective website design. Ahead you’ll find some examples of this.
Why is it important? Well, it allows the eye to focus on relevant links, buttons, and the product itself. In other words, it makes your visual content relevant rather than getting mixed up with a bunch of other elements.
Additionally, pay attention to the balance between images and text. Don’t overdo it, take into account that every part must be there for a reason, you don’t want to distract the attention of those who’re exploring your content and potentially buying.

Website Design Inspiration

When talking about good website design, the one thing in common is that content is easy to scroll, users can find the information they need in a matter of seconds, therefore, the purchase can be completed sooner. 
To explain a bit more about good website design, here are some tricks and ideas you should consider when designing it, whereas you do it by yourself or you use online tools.
  1. Your homepage should convert, therefore you have to give people something in return that’s easy to get and doesn’t get in the way for too long. Try a pop-up discount or coupon offer.
  2. Any website should be welcoming. Make sure you write copy that talks to the person who is reading, instead of copy-pasting content that’s all about you and your product.
  3. Stay away from cluttering and overlaying. The first impression needs to be solid and your message should be communicated effectively. Focus on the most important things you have to say to users, they will keep looking for more product details if you catch their attention at this point.
  4. Always keep in mind your CTAs! So, content is great and you explain wonderful things about your brand, but if you forget about the call to action and CTA buttons, it’ll be all pretty much lost.
  5. Also on CTAs, make sure they don’t conflict with each other, use only the necessary ones. Their phrases should be thrilling and appealing.
  6. If you have a flagship product, display it right from the homepage. This applies to seasonal products or seasonal offerings that you need to display for a short period.
  7. Include a clear headline to briefly state what your website is about. Use strong, powerful words, you don’t need to explain that much at this point, just to catch the attention.
Here are some examples of websites that are both appealing, simple, and user-friendly.
Graphic Design Ideas to Bring Traffic to Your Website
How to bring web traffic using graphic design
graphic design images
As you can see in the examples above, you don’t need much to achieve a good website design that keeps traffic coming. Use these inspirations to apply on each and every one of your visuals that link to your homepage, so it feels all part of the same narrative.

Start Getting Traffic!

Once you’ve learned a couple of things from this guide, you’ll be one step closer to getting your website traffic numbers rising. Also, feel free to come back to this content whenever you need it.

Let people into your world and attract traffic by setting beautiful design layouts, it really pays off! If you have any tips on graphic design best practices,  leave a comment, and share it with our community.
