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Double Your Website Traffic In A Month By Following These Steps

Double Your Website Traffic In A Month By Following These Steps

In the modern world, there is no success in business without high-quality marketing. Sure, having a professionally-provided service and an excellent product is crucial. However, there are two reasons why that is simply not enough.
Firstly, if people don’t know about your product or service, they aren’t very likely to purchase them — that’s a simple fact that puts your business’ visibility at the top of your priority list. And secondly, regardless of your sector or industry — the competition out there is huge nowadays. In the past three decades, the Internet has brought us the first truly globalized commodity and service market. A t-shirt designer from Eastern Europe is in direct competition with his counterpart in London — meaning that your advertising needs to be globally competitive. That’s precisely why having a website is hugely important.

The Importance of a Website and Online Traffic

Most people would like to improve the visibility and prominence of their customer-facing business. There are different ways of achieving that — but in 2020, having a website is basically a prerequisite for success. Remember how we’ve talked about global competition in the beginning? The fact of the matter is — all of your competitors will have a website; so if you don’t, they’re reaching a far wider audience than you. Falling back on this is something you can’t allow.
But how do you approach the task of establishing your online presence? In this day and age, there are plenty of different website designs you can choose from — but it’s not just the matter of having an aesthetically pleasing design. You need to do everything you can to ensure that the largest possible number of people come across your website, thus building your traffic.
Having a decent amount of traffic is crucial for lead conversion — the process of converting interested consumers into paying customers that make your business profitable. In essence, website traffic shows how “busy” and “crowded” your online storefront is; allowing you to surmise if there’s something that you need to do in order to boost that all-important metric.

Managing Expectations

It should be noted that the effort to double your website traffic is a long-term one; we’re talking about more than a couple of quick fixes that will instantly make your website more popular. In fact, this is a continuous process that’s a necessity for all truly successful websites.
Having said that, there are some things that you can do for your website and see results in a matter of months. These should be your absolute top priorities, and the first things you’ll do. With that in mind, we’ll showcase a couple of tips that you can use to double your website traffic in a month!

Auditing Your Website

As we’ve mentioned above, a completely functional website is crucial for marketing success online. That’s why you need to know right away if there’s something wrong with your website, or something that you could be doing better. Considering this, your first stop should be completing a website audit in sufficient detail. And if you do this right, your website traffic should see immediate gains.
Proper audits discover any problems that a website may be struggling with, in terms of SEO, internal linking, or other technical issues. If you manage to fix these problems right away, Google will reward your website with a better ranking for the relevant niche keywords. Certain SEO tools such as SEMrush are excellent allies in this process.
An under construction sign next to the word “Website”.
Auditing your website is the first step to increasing your online visibility!

Utilize Your Blog

If you want to double your website traffic, you need to provide one thing to your visitors — value. In most cases, this means posting valuable niche information — and your blog is an important factor in this process
Creating original, thought-provoking content is sure to help. Of course, it’s also important to understand what kind of content works and what kind doesn’t. Even if you try your best to only post quality content, there will always be some posts that just generate more traffic than others. The reasons for this can be myriad — from reader appeal and excellent linking, to other optimization traits. Whatever it is, though — you should do your best to utilize these posts as best as you can.
Of course, first you need to know which posts actually work, and which don’t. This means using tools such as Google Analytics to see which of your pages and posts generate the most traffic for your website. Naturally, disregard pages such as About Us or your homepage in this process; we’re talking about pages that are content-driven, like those found in your blog.
Once that’s done, you can keep updating these posts with new content and additional keywords, making sure that they’re evergreen content and consistently relevant. This is one of the best content policies that you can do to increase your website traffic.

Content Optimization

As you may have noticed, your content is the cornerstone of your website’s traffic generation. With that in mind, you need to do your best to make sure that your content is extremely well-optimized for your niche. For instance, this includes trying to include as many keywords relevant to your website as you can find.
After the initial keyword optimization of your article, try to find variations of those keywords and include them as well. We’re not just talking about your main body of content, but your images, titles, and subheadings as well.
Just make sure that you don’t alter any of the URLs on your website while you try to optimize blog content. That’s going to result in a lot of error pages and broken links, severely impacting your overall user experience. Also, you’d do well to check your website for broken links from time to time, just to make sure that everything is in working order.
On top of all that, there’s another thing you have to eliminate from your content — filler. Indeed, spam and obvious information is something no user appreciates; and thus it’s something that should have no place in your content. At all times, keep in mind that you need to create something that your users will respond to.
Plastic letter blocks spelling “SEO audit”.
Quality SEO optimization is crucial for traffic generation!

Quality Backlinking

If you haven’t realized that by now, we’ll say it outright — the single biggest deciding factor for the effort to double your website traffic in a month is your search engine ranking. These days, a huge majority of website visits come from Google. And that means optimizing your website for favorable rankings according to Google’s search algorithm is essential.
Double Your Website Traffic In A Month By Following These Steps

In that process, you need to focus on the quality of links that lead to your website. Backlinking from authoritative pages will make your website more visible and important in terms of search engine rankings.
Even the most novice SEO expert would be able to tell you that ranking in the first few pages for any given keyword is impossible without quality external linking.

Make use of Q&A Platforms

In your effort to lead traffic to your website, there are all kinds of things you can do. Sure, guest posting on similar niche blogs is always a good idea — but if you want to remain competitive, you have to become creative. With that in mind, we recommend looking at Q&A platforms such as Quora.
This is a hugely popular platform for users with all kinds of questions — allowing anyone to find an answer to pretty much any kind of question or query. That makes it a good traffic generation platform for websites and businesses in all sectors.
Utilizing Quora’s potential for traffic generation isn’t difficult — you just need to write consistent responses to people’s questions on your niche’s topics. Also, try to write insightful comments to similar posts that concern your topic of choice.

Building Authority

As we’ve mentioned before, while you can do certain things to double your website traffic in a month with various activities — you need to focus on the big picture as well. Thinking about this in the long term will lead you down the path to success — and that means building the authority of your website in your own niche.
Making the website that you’re managing into a household name is not easy, but there are plenty of techniques for doing that. One thing that’s necessary is precise and high-quality content; though it’s far from the only one.
Apart from that, you should attempt to reach out to experts in your industry or niche and perform interviews with them, or invite them to write guest posts on your blog. This is something that has the potential to go viral on social media, and allow you to quickly propel your website into the higher echelons of popularity.
By using these proven traffic generation tips you should be well on your way to double your website traffic in a month by persistently working towards your traffic generation goals that you set to accomplish for your online business.
Remember; website traffic is the lifeblood of any online business, and the more traffic that you are able to generate for your online business the more revenue your website will generate.
