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The 3 Most Powerful Forms Of Viral Marketing That Will Put Your Opt In List Building Efforts On Auto Pilot

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“The Money Is In The… LIST!”

I bet you’ve heard this catch phrase once or twice while surfing around on the Internet.

I know I have.

But, the question that usually arises is… “How do I effectively build one that won’t cost me an arm and a leg in the process?”

Well, today’s your lucky day because I’m going to highlight 3 of the MOST powerful ways to build your targeted ‘Opt-In List’ by using the Power of ‘Viral Marketing’ as your engine.

And the best part about using these 3 ‘Viral’ methods I’m about to mention are… they cost virtually Nothing to produce, are Highly targeted, give You INSTANT Credibility and are in constant demand by website owners.

So, with that said, let’s move on to what these 3 ‘Viral’ methods are and how they will benefit you and your List Building efforts.

Method #1. Writing ‘Special Reports’.

– Special Reports work great because they allow you to go into more depth about the Topic or Problem in question where you’ll then be able to lead them to how your Product or Service(or Affiliate product) can fix there current problem.

– They give you Instant Credibility, which builds trust in your customer that you are knowlegdable in your industry.

– Website owners are always looking for quality **Free Stuff** to give away or offer to there Visitors and/or Subscribers.

This is where you could CASH-IN, especially if you make your special report ‘Brandable’. This gives the website owner even MORE incentive to give your Freebie away if they can make Money in the process.

– And your Contact Information will always be inside, no matter what. Meaning, as your report is being passed around the Internet you’ll always be able to lead your potential customer back to your website where they could sign-up for your newsletter and/or read up more about your Products or Services you offer.

Method #2. Putting Together A ‘Free eBook’.

– Free eBooks work great as well and have the same benefits as I outlined through the special report.

The only difference using this approach is, you can put together a free ebook in less time then it would take to produce your special report simply because it doesn’t even have to be your own material inside, it can be someone else’s.

Just make sure you put together a free ebook with quality information inside.

– And they also allow you to target more then one Product or Service inside because free ebooks are usually a compilation of related articles targetting a particular problem leaving you room to diversify.

Method #3. Writing ‘Articles’.

– Writing Articles is probably ONE of the Best and Most Effective Ways to produce a wave of Viral traffic to your website because every website owner needs FRESH content to feed to there visitors and/or subscribers.

– They also allow you to Target your audience’s problem specifically that they’re dealing with.

– And at the end of the article you have a spot called the ‘Resource Box’ to insert your personal Bio and/or Website information.

Just imagine if your article were to be picked up by some Newsletter Editor with a large list or High Traffic website and they use it as a ‘Featured Article’ in there publication, you could see an INSTANT Surge of targeted traffic to your website overnight.

That’s where your ‘Resource Box’ comes in.(Take a look at how mine is formatted at the end of this article.)

Well, that about sums it up for the 3 MOST powerful ‘Viral Marketing’ methods being used today by most Internet marketers, and for good reason, because they work.

Now, with all that said, what do these 3 ‘Viral’ methods all have in common that’ll put your List Building efforts on ‘Auto-Pilot’?

– They’re in HIGH demand by website owners.

– They’re HIGHLY Targeted.

– They give You INSTANT Credibility in your industry.

– They have YOUR Contact Details leading to Your website.

…and Most important of all, they’re all FREE!

Just think for a minute, by using only ONE of these methods listed above, how it could put your Opt-In list building efforts on ‘Auto-Pilot’.

This article represents just a summarized version of all the different List Building techniques available online, But, in my opinion, these 3 are the most effective.
