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Optimum Utilisation Of Manual Traffic Exchanges In A Marketing Strategy

The advantage of gaining critical mass in a marketing strategy can never be over- emphasised….and “Manual Traffic Exchanges” can be the critical element to keep the wheel of your marketing strategy rolling.

It is happening with monotonous regularity that every newbie internet marketer wants results from “Day 1″ and every pro marketer will vouch for the fact that they have undergone significant stresses and strains to reach where they have reached.

This prelude gives us an inkling of the position of manual traffic exchange users. A beginning is made with full gusto….and it is not long before the levels of motivation and enthusiasm come crashing down.

Here are some tips and tricks which will go a long way in making optimim utilisation of “Manual Traffic Exchanges” and bridging the gap between thory and practice.

1) Surf, surf and surf for at least a couple of months. Do not expect any results…because you seldom get them within two months.Patience is a virtue which is seldom practiced.

2) Do not make the mistake of including the URL of your internet opportunity on each and every manual traffic exchange you are participating….instead…use some of your traffic exchange affiliate links to derive the benefits of residual traffic in the long run.

3) Refer, refer and refer by cross promoting your affiliate link in Traffic Exchange A with Traffic Exchange B and so on.

4)Use “Splash pages” for promoting in “Manual Traffic exchanges”

5) Do not….please…do not use pop-ups and other distracting stuff to de-motivate your prospective downline in those precious 15-30 seconds he or she has a glimpse at your website. It’s all to well to have them on the homepage of your website…but never put a pop-up on your splash pages…for all you know, the traffic exchange might reject your pop up splash page in the first place.

6) Use the magic of compounding which results in the power of residual traffic by building a good downline base.

7) Pick and choose your traffic exchanges and keep a note of the benefits offered. For example :

a) Referral structure for earning downline credits

b) Credits Ratio for own surfing

c) Free credits and bonus for being an active member

d)Ongoing contests

e) Read between the lines….

A traffic exchange may give free bonus credits for reading emails sent to members or a traffic exchange may give bonus credits for surfing 25 websites daily. Just imagine the misfortune you are going through if you surf between 20-24 websites on that exchange everybody. Further, it is always better to actively refer members in those traffic exchanges offering at least 20% credits in two to three levels.

8)Use the option to transfer credits to potential downline members if they join under you. Many traffic exchanges offer this option either through the traffic exchange or from the member’s area.

9)Get into swap deals with other traffic exchange members. Statistics tell us that a majority of traffic exchange members join traffic exchanges directly from the homepage.

Do not commit the same mistake. Let’s assume you are a member of Traffic Exchange A and you want to join Traffic Exchange B. It would benefit you greatly if you can post an offer in a forum you participate in that you are willing to join Traffic Exchange B under anyone who is willing to join under you in Traffic Exchange A. This is a win-win situation for both… you and the person you are doing the swap deal with.

10) Do use an affiliate link cloaker to get better response rates whenever you promote affiliate links. Use “Manual Traffic Exchanges” as a critical cog in the wheel of your marketing strategy. Do not commit the mistake of assuming that it is the wheel itself. Integrate other promotion methods like forums, safelists, blogs, rss feeds, search engine optimisation techniques,

ezine advertisements, joint venturing with other webmasters, etc. The possibilities are endless. Use “your brain” …and….”your common-sense” to catapult yourself to the top of the ladder of success.
