Hey GeekPeeps , hope you utilizing this quarntine time properly .
And during this lockdown period ,i got some time actually some extra time and mean while i found this awesome script that is used by movies and tv series downloading sites from ages (maybe from 2014) its known as
Google Drive Sharer Script ( Hoping this is correct term ) . Don’t Know its exact origin ( The First one ( Dev) Who think about it ) , But i am Sure he/she is from Indonesia ( cause most of the domains using this script right now is bought from there ).
Moving ahead , cauz i think that history and origin part doesn’t matter for most of the people visiting this article
So, i have explained
working of this script and advantages of sharing google drive files through these google drive Sharer scripts .
Problems or Disadvantages of Sharing Files Directly as Google Drive Share Link
Without Google Drive File Sharer Script
- I am sure you have seen this quota exceeds limit , this happen when many users try to download the file in same time
- And also if you are sharing files which are violating policies of google , and if someone report through your shared file page , google can permanently block your account .
These are some problem , which may occur if you share Google drive file link directly in public .
Advantages of sharing google drive files through google drive sharer scripts over direct sharing
After using Google Drive File Sharer Script
- As when Some One try to download file you shared through making a sharer link the file will be copied to the Google drive of the users from your googlr drive , So there is no problem of Download Limit Exceeds
- And Also as you are not sharing direct link of file from google drive , So there are less chances of your account getting block .
and bleow i mention some sites using this type of sharer script .
Some Examples of Sites Using This Script-
- Sharer.pw 10
- Yuudrive.me 6
- Acefile.co 3 ( Not Working )
Now Give a Clap if you find this information useful .
You can also check the video about the
Best Google drive sharer scripts
Script Download Link