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Elon Musk’s Influence on the 2024 Presidential Election and Its Potential Outcomes

  In the upcoming 2024 U.S. presidential election, the influence of tech moguls like Elon Musk is a point of significant interest. Musk, with his vast following, has demonstrated an ability to sway public opinion through his business decisions, public statements, and presence on social media platforms like X (formerly Twitter). The effect Musk’s actions may have on the election—and candidates such as Donald Trump—is worth examining as he becomes a key player in the larger landscape of digital influence. Elon Musk and Digital Influence in Politics A Shift in Public Influence Musk’s reach extends beyond business; he is now a major influencer in political spheres. By acquiring X, Musk gained direct access to one of the most influential social media platforms in the world, where he regularly engages with a diverse audience. His unpredictable political stances and commentary resonate with millions, and his platform decisions have the potential to shape public opinion. Musk’s Public Poli...

Trump, Unveiling Space Force Flag, Touts What He Calls New ‘Super-Duper Missile’

The Space Force, the newest military branch, now has an official flag 2. President Trump unveiled the flag at an Oval Office ceremony Friday where he also signed the 2020 Armed Forces Day Proclamation. NPR reports:

The flag design comes from the seal of the Space Force, which was approved by the president in January. It sparked some Star Trek fan outrage for what some people have called its similarity to a logo in the science fiction franchise. According to the White House, the dark blue and white of the flag is meant to represent the “vast recesses of outer space” and includes a elliptical orbit with three large stars meant to symbolize the branch’s purpose: “organizing, training and equipping” Space Force troopers, in the language of the Pentagon. The Space Force was created in part to protect strategic American space infrastructure, including communications, navigation and spy satellites, from adversaries such as Russia and China.

“As you know, China, Russia, perhaps others, started off a lot sooner than us,” Trump said. “We should have started this a long time ago, but we’ve made up for it in spades. We have developed some of the most incredible weapons anyone’s ever seen. And it’s moving along very rapidly.” Trump teased what he called a new weapon that could attack at such a high speed it would overwhelm an enemy’s defenses. “We have, I call it the ‘super-duper missile.’ And I heard the other night [it’s] 17 times faster than what they have right now,” Trump said. It wasn’t immediately clear what missile the president was describing, but the U.S. and other advanced powers are known to be developing new hypersonic weapons, designed to race at many times the speed of sound.
